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Restaurants near Manyueyuan National Forest Recreation Area

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A photo of 辛殿麻辣鍋 Xin Dian Hotpot 公館店 Gongguan restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Zhongzheng District
Booked 20 times today
⏰ 門市營業時間AM 11:30 ~ AM 01:30 最後入場為PM23:30,中場時段無休息。?門市資訊松江店|台北市中山區松江路129-4號02-25037667信義店|台北市信義區松壽路28號02-27227667公館店|中正區羅斯福路三段316巷9弄1號02-77337667?消費方式平日午餐 | 供應時段 AM11:30-PM15:30成人 $698 +10% 服務費 兒童 $349 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 110cm -140cm )幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm )*午餐時段無供應牛小排 平日晚餐 | PM16:00-AM1:30 假日全天 | AM11:30~AM1:30成人$798 +10% 服務費兒童$399+10% 服務費( 身高 110cm -140cm )幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm )全時段用餐時間限定 2 小時。?訂位須知1、本店設有低消限制平日 PM18:00- PM20:00 低消需達 4 位大人。假日 AM11:30-12:00、PM18:00-20:00 低消需達 4 位大人。2、最低用餐人數需達 2 位以上。3、預約人數超過 8 位以上請電洽門市預約。4、若有特殊定位需求請於一個月前電話訂位(如:超過20位以上、包場)。5、訂位無保留時間,請準時至現場報到以免影響用餐權益。6、恕不接受指定座位,若有幼童、孕婦、年長者、行動不便者,如有特殊座位需求請電洽門市預約。7、本店沒有收開瓶費,可自備酒水用餐 。8、因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。?候位須知現場候位:每天中午11:30開始開放登記,依現場或電話登記為主,需有預訂客人取消才能遞補,依序喊號若無補上不會電話通知。
A photo of 福山渡假會館 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Unspecified • Yuanshan Township
Coming Soon!
A photo of 小小樹食 敦南店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Vegetarian / Vegan • Da'an District
Booked 2 times today
?午晚餐低消為每人 500 元,下午茶 15:00 - 17:00 為每人 300 元( 10 歲以下兒童無需低消 )⚠️座位保留 10 分鐘,逾時取消不另行通知。?敦南店?️台北市大安區敦化南路二段39-1號1樓?捷運信義安和站2號出口☎️02-2700-0313⏰用餐時間為100分鐘?️營業時間:12:00~21:00 (無公休)?️供餐時間午餐
12:00~15:00 餐點最後點餐 14:45
15:00~16:00 僅供應甜點及飲品16:00~17:00 無供應任何餐點及飲品晚餐
17:00~20:00 餐點最後點餐 19:45
20:00~20:30 僅供應甜點及飲品?歡迎提前預訂[整模蛋糕](https://www.littletreefood.com/cake)??小小樹食[敦南店線上菜單](https://www.dunnan.littletreefood.com)??若自行攜帶蛋糕入內需酌收蛋糕費 300 元(可抵用甜點費用)?若自行攜帶酒類需酌收開瓶費 600 元
A photo of 詹記麻辣火鍋 敦南店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Da'an District
Booked 3 times today
**歡迎來到‭****‬詹記麻辣火鍋-敦南店**‭ **‬線上訂位系統****通知訊息系統調整****無論您是訂位、訂餐、候位,原本為「手機簡訊」通知,改由「Inline的LINE官方帳號」通知唷~****通知訊息會發送到您輸入的手機號碼所綁定的LINE帳號裡。****如沒有找到,請在LINE搜尋「inline」就會看到囉!**如果您是第一次收到,請先做手機號碼驗證呦。**訂位**1. 每月份1日中午12:00起即開放到次月份月底之訂位(例:在6/1可以訂到7月底以前的訂位)2. 我們全面採網路訂位,不開放電話訂位、現場訂位。3. 如遇網路訂位額滿,或訂不到您要的時段,我們仍有保留空桌,您可以〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況4. 每1組電話只能訂1次,為了讓客人都有訂位用餐的機會,限定每1組電話可訂位次數為1次,若期間需增加訂位,請提供別組電話訂位。5. 當日入席桌位不開放指定,須依現場桌面狀況而定,訂位成功後,當日於現場須依工作人員指引入席。6. ‬如有其他訂位問題或需求,請與我們聯繫(02)2377-7799●**營業時間&訂位時段**1‭.‬營業時間‭ ‬中午12:00‭ ‬至‭ ‬凌晨01:00※最後收客時間00:00※最後點餐時間00:20※注意:每月份第一週、最後一週的星期三14:30~17:00為休息時間不營業,如遇國定假日則順延一日。※春節期間公休:除夕~初五為公休日2.訂位時段訂位時段的選擇,將以inline系統顯示之時段為主●**多人吃鍋 內用消費規則**1‭.‬ 用餐限時120分鐘2‭.‬ 訂位、候位位子保留10分鐘,如逾時則取消位子不再另行通知3‭.‬ 餐廳酌收10%服務費4‭.‬ 若自帶酒將酌收開瓶費:500元‭/‬桌5‭.‬ 無提供素鍋,僅有鍋邊素6‭.‬ 餐廳不可攜帶寵物(除導盲犬)7‭.‬ 餐廳不可攜帶外食及飲料(除蛋糕)●**付款**1‭.‬ 可採現金、信用卡、第三方支付:Apple Pay、Android Pay、Samsung Pay、Google Pay2‭.‬ 目前無信用卡優惠活動●**交通**1‭.‬ 餐廳無特約停車場,建議可停鄰近停車場(步行約3分鐘:1‭.‬遠企購物中心、2‭.‬樂業街、3.和平東路三段62巷)2‭.‬ 大眾運輸可搭乘:‬公車:275、294、905、906、909、913、939至敦化和平路口捷運:1‭.‬六張犁站(約400公尺)‭ ‬2‭.‬科技大樓站(約700公尺)皆步行至敦化南路&和平東路口●**其他問題**1.湯底內容說明:(1)大骨昆布清湯底:豬大骨、昆布熬製(2)麻辣湯底:花椒、各式辣椒磨粉、辣椒醬、香油熬製而成(不包含動物性油脂:牛油、雞油、豬油)2.孕婦可否食用麻辣鍋呢?因我們的湯底皆為辛香料材熬煮成,沒使用『人蔘』、『番紅花』等刺激宮收縮的藥材,許多客人從懷孕到生小孩後都來用餐,但因每人的體質不同,我們仍建議顧客有任何疑慮請詢問醫師,並且依個人狀況斟酌用餐3.食物過敏原資訊:(1)麻辣湯底:「含有」大豆.芝麻.蠶豆(2)大骨昆布湯底:不含大豆.芝麻.蠶豆※以上為湯底部分之過敏原資訊,其他如火鍋料等食材,如有過敏原資訊的需求請與店家先行確認後再用餐(4)白飯煮製內含花生油成份4.本店使用國產豬肉、加拿大產豬肉
A photo of 好適山坡GUHill restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Café • Sanxia District
Booked 1 time today
?[Instagram服務]( https://www.instagram.com/guhillcafe/ "link") ?[Facebook服務](https://www.facebook.com/guhillcafe "link")∎ 營業時間|週五、週六、週日 11:00 - 19:00 (若有臨時店休或平日為營業,會另於官方IG與FB公告)∎ 座位安排|由於無法預測天氣情況,訂位皆安排室內為主,若當日天氣狀況良好,可現場告知服務人員調整至室外座位∎ 用餐安排|用餐時間依訂位時間起為限2小時,若後面無訂候位客人,則無時間限制∎ 吃吃喝喝|每人低消為一杯飲料,本店招牌為「鍋烤鬆餅」超級好吃極力推薦!∎ 訂位開放|每週一中午12:00,會開放下週訂位,最多可預約兩週內的時間段∎ 寵物友善|好適山坡為寵物友善店家,但仍請主人們牽繩或推車確保不影響其他客人,毛寶貝便可與您一起入室內享受悠閒假日∎ 遲到處裡|若訂位當日因故晚到,務必來電告知我們幫您保留時間 (最多30分鐘,且入座時間從原訂位時間起算) ,否則遲到10分鐘後,我們便會自動刪除您的訂位,並將位置自動安排給現場客人!
A photo of Le Palais restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Chinese • Datong District
We will adjust our opening time since 1st June 2024. -2024 Opening Time- 【Lunch】:12:00~14:30 【Dinner】:18:00~21:30Closed on every Monday.⚠️ 【Booking Reminders】1. Seat reservations for the next month are available at 12:00 AM on the 1st day of the current month. (i.e. November 1st for the month of December, December 1st for the month of January.)2. When booking for a seat reservation, guests will be required to provide their credit card information as a guarantee. If the reservation is cancelled within 48 hours before the reserved schedule, a NON-refundable cancellation fee of 500NT per person will be charged.3. We do not offer window views for these reservations. Seats are based on the on-site arrangement for the day. For reservation more than 5 people, please contact us +8862-2181-9985 and +8862-2181-9986 (Service Time 10:00 - 20:00)4. Pre-order dishes are available in limited quantities. If you need to pre-order, please contact the service staff as soon as possible.? [Restaurant Dress Code]The restaurant reserves the right to refuse guests who do not meet the clothing requirements to dine in.1. Ladies are not allowed to wear slippers.2. Gentlemen and young men over the age of 8 are required to wear long trousers and close-toe shoes. Sandals, slippers, shorts, and vests are not allowed.? [Conduct Inside the Restaurant]In order to maintain a quiet, comfortable, and sanitary dining environment, please note the following:1. Be mindful of your fellow patrons while dining and keep your volume to a minimum.2. We respectfully ask parents and guardians to remind their children to refrain from being rowdy so as not to disturb other guests.3. Pets are not allowed inside the restaurant with the exception of guide dogs.4. According to the law of "Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act", smoking is prohibited in all indoor public areas. Including e-cigarette and cigar.? [Beverage Service Fees]The restaurant charges a corkage fee for the guests who bring their own alcohol. The fees are as follows:1.Red and white wine NT$1200/bottle (750ml)2.Spirits NT$2000/bottle (1000ml)If you need additional glass, it will be charged at an additional NT$100/a wineglass.? [Celebrations]If you are celebrating a birthday, please let us know in advance so we can serve you a birthday peach bun.? 【Other matters needing attention】1. All prices mentioned above are in New Taiwan Dollars, exclusive of a 10% service charge.2. The restaurant has formulated the above instructions in order to provide guests with a quality dining experience and to allow our employees to serve you better. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A photo of 肉次方  板橋捷運江子翠店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Yakiniku • Banqiao District
Booked 1 time today
A photo of 夏慕尼 新香榭鉄板燒 板橋民生店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• French • Banqiao District
Booked 3 times today
大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,將法式料理及Lounge Bar時尚元素融入鐵板料理。設計出一道道精緻美味的餐點,營造獨特迷人的法式鐵板饗宴。
A photo of 和牛涮 日式鍋物放題 桃園同德店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Taoyuan District
Booked 2 times today
嚴選美澳極上和牛 和牛涮日式鍋物放題,提供和牛炙燒壽司、極上和牛涮煮、和牛黑咖哩飯,搭配超過70種美味無限量供應,讓您享受暢快的和牛饗宴~
A photo of 天下三絕 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Chinese • Da'an District
Booked 1 time today
Coming Soon!

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